Women’s International Group
In 1994, a number of expat women living in Phnom Penh formed the Women’s International Group as a way to make friends and meet other expats as well as locals. WIG is an active group of international and local women who brought with them a diversity of backgrounds, experiences and resources.
We meet up weekly for coffee chat, art and crafts, and tennis. There are other activities like the monthly luncheons, business connect, cultural exploration, sundown social, and many more. However, we are not just about socializing and having fun. We also want to give back to our host country.
WIG organizes the biggest Christmas Fair in Phnom Penh annually to raise funds to support local charitable organizations that benefit the local and underprivileged people of Cambodia. We have provided more than 200 grants to local NGOs thus far.
We are an international group comprised of over 35 countries, and a broad range of cultures and ages. We welcome you to join us.
Our Executive Committee